Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Comedy Anime, Dub Anime, Mecha Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Shounen Anime, Super Power Anime
The setting is a Japanese looking village named `Little Tokyo where the Pizza Cats run a pizza fastfood business. Little Tokyo is populated by all kinds of animals. The official governor of the town is the Emperor but since he has gone bananas a council takes care of the well-being of the village. One of the members of this council is called Seymour Big Cheese who secretly wishes to take...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Adventure Anime, Dub Anime, Fantasy Anime, Seinen Anime
Spinoff based on the Nintendo DS RPG game by SEGA released in Japan July 2008. In a world where humans serve as livestock for the ruling beastman and where sand fills the roles of water and fire. Kyrie is recruited by the World Destruction Committee to assist in putting an end to their world. Kyrie alone holds the power needed to do...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Adventure Anime, Fantasy Anime, Seinen Anime
Spinoff based on the Nintendo DS RPG game by SEGA released in Japan July 2008. In a world where humans serve as livestock for the ruling beastman and where sand fills the roles of water and fire. Kyrie is recruited by the World Destruction Committee to assist in putting an end to their world. Kyrie alone holds the power needed to do...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy Anime, Dub Anime, Ecchi Anime, Horror Anime, Romance Anime, Shounen Anime, Supernatural Anime
Furuyas not interested in the living hes got zombies on the brain! When Furuyas cat dies he decides hes going to try and bring it back to life. In the process he stumbles across a girl who is involved in an accident and turns into a real zombie! Whats Furuya going to do now that the thing he loves the most is right in front of his...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy Anime, Dub Anime, School Anime, Slice Of Life Anime
Futaba Odagiri is the new transfer student with a super energetic personality; Teru Hayama is the class president with a surprisingly mean personality contrary to her innocent looks; and Youko Nishikawa is from a formerly rich now extremely poor family who still holds on to her princess attitude. These three unlikely students with clashing personalities become good friends and survive the...
Country: Japan
Genre: Historical Anime, Samurai Anime, Seinen Anime
Masterless samurai Akitsu Masanosuke is a skilled and loyal swordsman but his naïve diffident nature has time and again caused him to be let go by the lords who have employed him. Hungry and desperate he becomes a bodyguard for Yaichi the charismatic leader of a gang called “Five Leaves.” Although disturbed by the gang’s sinister activities Masa begins to suspect that Yaichi’s...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure Anime, Comedy Anime, Fantasy Anime, Kids Anime, Romance Anime, Shounen Anime
An evil monkey Specter has escaped a circus using a mind-controlling device which allows him to become smarter and have access to controlling the monkeys. Kakeru is called over by a professor in order to capture all the monkeys including the ones whos controlling them: Specter. NOTE: Missing episode 4 and 21. Was never subbed or released on the...
Country: Japan
Genre: Fantasy Anime, Magic Anime, School Anime
In this world there live a group of people who call themselves Majo or Magical Girls. They hide their powers so as to assimilate into the environment. They have been living together in harmony with the humans for many years to come and their predecessors continue to do so. Sasami was enthroned with magical powers since her birth. However at the age of three she was told by her parents...