Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Mecha, OVA, Romance, Sci-Fi, Space
Hoshi no Koe using full 2D and 3D digital animation is a story of a long distance love and mail messages between a boy and girl. Set in 2046 after the discovery of the ruins of an alien civilization on Mars man has been able to make leaps in technology and is planning to send an expedition into space in the next year. Nagamine Mikako and Terao Noboru are junior high school students. However...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Dub, Ecchi, Martial Arts, Sci-Fi, Shounen
It is the dawn of the 21st century. The cataclysmic earthquake which reduced half of Tokyo to a broken landscape of twisted steel and shattered stone was only the first sign of the impending apocalypse. Athletic and popular Isato Kaiza was an otherwise ordinary student. But nothing couldve prepared him for the day he was given a Caizer Stone by fellow student Kash alias Hellstinger. Armed...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Mecha, Movie, Sci-Fi, Shounen
From out of nowhere a mysterious alien race known as the Boazan Forces has invaded the Earth. A group of individuals specially trained to handle this kind of situation has been unleashed. Kenichi Ippei Daijirou Hiyoshi & Megumi are the pilots of the Choudenji Machine Voltes V 5 Earths defense against the Boazan and their terrible Beast Warriors. The plot thickens as the Go Brothers...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Drama, Dub, Mecha, Military, OVA, Sci-Fi
A hundred years after Earth is invaded by aliens the last remnants of the human race dwell in underwater Aqua Bases. A team of five cybernetically enhanced women is trained for the purpose of carrying out guerilla attacks against the occupying forces. Earths last hope for salvation is...Voogies...
Country: Japan
Genre: Mecha, Sci-Fi
Alien invaders take over Great Mazinger who is at the entrance of a museum next to Mazinger Z as symbols of peace. Grendizer fights the evil invaders and Great Mazinger is recovered. When the Vegan empire dispatches a new general to oversee the takeover of Earth he quickly manages to capture Koji Kabuto and learning of Great Mazinger through interrogation quickly commandeers it from a...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Mecha, Movie, Sci-Fi
The story is about 16 years old boy Takeshi who recently formed an American football team at the BlueSky orphanage. One day the game is interuppted by a light in the sky. Takeshi discovers he is the son of the king of the planet Apolon spirited away to Earth by his fathers retainer Rabi to avoid death at the hands of General Dazaan. He turns out to have special energy abilities which can...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Comedy, Martial Arts, Sci-Fi, Shounen, Sports
Kinnikuman II Sei takes place several years after the events of the original Kinnikuman. Mantarou Kinniku is the 59th prince of Planet Kinniku and son of the renowned wrestler King Suguru. Lazy immature and cowardly Mantarou seems to have little in common with his heroic father. When a powerful group calling themselves the dMP threatens the Earth only someone as powerful as...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Kids, Movie
Ultra-Nyans adventures continue. This time he is tasked with finding the cause of the crows sudden declaration of war upon the...