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Country: United States
Genre: Animation, Family, Short
Wile E. Coyote attacks the Road Runner with an enormous boulder-throwing catapult only to have it constantly backfire on...
Country: United States
Genre: Animation, Family, Short
Wile E. Coyote tries and fails to catch the Road Runner using a bear trap with a bird seed bait a jet rocket an ice-making machine and a...
Country: United States
Genre: Family, Animation, Short
Wile E. Coyote chases the Road Runner with roller skis a bow a rifle a boomerang an anvil and several exploding darts let loose from a balloon. The darts keep descending on the Coyote...
Country: United States
Genre: Animation, Family, Short
Wile E. Coyote tries to catch the Road Runner using a sling shot a grenade in a toy airplane whose propeller detaches and leaves the plane behind a cannon on a cliff ledge that gives...
Genre: Animation
Ao opens a package that arrives at her doorstep. Inside the package is Gōrai a Frame Arms Girl: a small robot capable of independent movement. Gōrai is a newly-developed prototype: a Frame Arms Girl equipped with an Artificial Self an advanced AI that gives her a personality. Ao is the only one that has activated her. Gōrai begins to gather both battle data and emotions starting a...
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Fantasy, Japanese
Zero is a witch who is ignorant of the world and travels with a half-beast half-human mercenary who longs to be human. Witches who practice sorcery exist in the world however in this era no one knows how about the art and study of witchcraft. Zero is going on a journey to search for a magical tome called The Book of Zero that hides a power that can destroy the world. The mercenary travels...