Country: Japan
Genre: Horror Anime, Mystery Anime, Romance Anime, Shounen Anime, Supernatural Anime
60 years ago a young woman was left to die in the abandoned school building behind the exclusive Seikyou Academy. No one knows why. No one knows how. But the horrifying tale and the legends of the ghostly haunting that followed live on to this day. Perhaps its not so surprising then that among Seikyous many school clubs is one for students interested in paranormal investigations. What might...
Country: Japan
Genre: Harem Anime, Romance Anime, Supernatural Anime
Yuuri Mito is a typical normal Japanese teenager. He goes to school works on peoples motorcycles and performs exorcisms. Okay that last parts a little bit unusual but his family lives in a shrine and they do that sort of thing. Still you would think hed know enough to be careful with an ancient relic he finds in the woods especially when a mysterious goddess appears and tells him to...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Dub Anime, Mecha Anime
Shotaro had become an Interpol agent working with Branch Robo the antirobot crime unit of that organization. He still employs...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy Anime, Mystery Anime, Super Power Anime
Sheryl Nero Elly and Cordelia are the most popular students at Holmes Detective Academy because of the many cases theyve solved with their Toys and teamwork. The students and the people of the Detective City Yokohama all look up to the members of Milky Holmes as theyre called. But on a dark and stormy night during a battle with their rivals The Gentlemen Thief Empire they lose their...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Comedy Anime, OVA Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Shounen Anime, Space Anime
Tenchi Masaki was a normal 17-year old boy until the day he accidentally releases the space pirate Ryoko from a cave she was sealed in 700 years ago as the people thought she was a demon. In a series of events four other alien girls show up at the Masaki household as Tenchi learns much of his heritage he never knew about and deal with five alien girls who each have some sort of romantic...