Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Dub, OVA, Shounen, Supernatural
During Japans feudal era there was a war between two ninja clans: the Byakuro and the Kabusu. One night the Kabusu staged a fierce attack on the Byakuro castle in hopes of kidnapping the clans infant princess. Their mission was foiled when a loyal ninja of the Byakuro flees the attack with the princess and disappears eventually raising her to be a ninja. Several years later six ninja...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, OVA, Shounen, Supernatural
During Japans feudal era there was a war between two ninja clans: the Byakuro and the Kabusu. One night the Kabusu staged a fierce attack on the Byakuro castle in hopes of kidnapping the clans infant princess. Their mission was foiled when a loyal ninja of the Byakuro flees the attack with the princess and disappears eventually raising her to be a ninja. Several years later six ninja...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Dub, Historical, OVA, Samurai, Supernatural
Get ready for a nightmarish journey through faith and betrayal as the infamous Jubei Yagyu wields his deadly blades against the forces of good and evil alike. In an orgy of unbelievable savagery the armies of the Shogun give no quarter as they ruthlessly slaughter their enemies. Trapped on the rocky isthmus of Amakusa the faithful await divine aid as the demon stirs in their midst. Desperate...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Historical, OVA, Samurai, Supernatural
Get ready for a nightmarish journey through faith and betrayal as the infamous Jubei Yagyu wields his deadly blades against the forces of good and evil alike. In an orgy of unbelievable savagery the armies of the Shogun give no quarter as they ruthlessly slaughter their enemies. Trapped on the rocky isthmus of Amakusa the faithful await divine aid as the demon stirs in their midst. Desperate...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Demons, Drama, OVA, Sci-Fi, Shounen, Supernatural, Thriller
On a dark late night in New York City Ryu is chased and attacked by assassins. After disposing of them he finds an I.D. card for the Friedman Company. The next day it is announced that Dr. Ned Friedman has discovered a cure for cancer. But after providing no information at his press conference a reporter named Sarah decides to investigate with the help of her friends Robert and Jeff. When...