Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy
The story centers on an RPG that people call kusoge crap-tier game referring to games with quirky or badly implemented mechanics and design. The main character Lidays decides to change the games story meeting with other characters while the game isnt being played. But as they flub their lines the situation spirals out of...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Romance, Ecchi
Kurou Daijuuji is a poor detective living in Arkham City. One day he was requested by Ruri Hado of Hado Financial Group to search for a magic book. While he initially refused Ruri offered him a large sum of money upon completion of her request in which bribed Kuro to accept. As Kurou searches for the book he unexpectedly runs into Al a pretty girl that is actually a powerful grimoire.They...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Slice of Life
Upon enrolling in high school Tamaki Honda joins a club for making doujin games known as the SNS Club. Joined by programmer Shiina writer Ayame and composer Kayo Tamaki begins working as an illustrator for the clubs next...
Country: Japan
Genre: Harem
After gaining the title of the strongest warrior in the world Peter Grill has finally proven his worth and is ready to take the hand of his beloved senior the beautiful and innocent Luvelia Sanctos. Peter expects to have a healthy relationship with her despite some objections from her father.Unfortunately this dream quickly breaks apart as news of his grand victory spreads among the womenfolk...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Ecchi
After gaining the title of the strongest warrior in the world Peter Grill has finally proven his worth and is ready to take the hand of his beloved senior the beautiful and innocent Luvelia Sanctos. Peter expects to have a healthy relationship with her despite some objections from her father.Unfortunately this dream quickly breaks apart as news of his grand victory spreads among the womenfolk...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Fantasy
Dressed in a conspicuous outfit and armed with an eccentric spirit Hina Satou goes around insisting that she is the Asgardian god Odin. When she crosses paths with a boy named Youta Narukami she uses her precognition abilities to warn him about an impending catastrophe threatening the end of the world. But being a teenager preoccupied with his problems Youta finds it hard to believe such a...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Fantasy
Dressed in a conspicuous outfit and armed with an eccentric spirit Hina Satou goes around insisting that she is the Asgardian god Odin. When she crosses paths with a boy named Youta Narukami she uses her precognition abilities to warn him about an impending catastrophe threatening the end of the world. But being a teenager preoccupied with his problems Youta finds it hard to believe such a...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
While Gintoki Sakata was away the Yorozuya found themselves a new leader: Kintoki Gintokis golden-haired doppelganger. In order to regain his former position Gintoki will need the help of those around him a troubling feat when no one can remember him! Between Kintoki and Gintoki who will claim the throne as the main character?In addition Yorozuya make a trip back down to red-light district...