Country: Japan
Genre: Anime
On a world where aliens are commonplace Kazuto Tokino decides on his own to run his grandfathers bathhouse despite the protests from his parents. Kazuto however lacks a lot of the skills needed to make such a venture successful and must get by on a sunny disposition. That alone might have made things hard enough for him but an alien princess named Valkyrie destroys the bathhouse and in the...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Historical, Music, Romance
Based on the same story that produced the classic musical The Sound of Music this is the story of Maria who leaves her life in a convent to take up the responsibility of taking care of Captain Trapps...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Military, Sci-Fi, Space
A stray missile from a confrontation between the Galman empire and the Bolar Federation crashes into the sun turning it into a time bomb of radiation. The Star Force once again sets off into space this time on a quest to look for a new world for the human...
Genre: Animation
Ai Enma once again returns as the Jigoku Shoujo who uses Jigoku Tsuushin Hell Hotline to allow people to post their grudges on their tormentors sending them straight to Hell. In exchange the users of the website will end up in Hell after they die. Meanwhile a mysterious girl with blue eyes called Kikuri appears and seems to have strange intentions towards Ai and Jigoku Tsuushins...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Drama, Fantasy
Somewhere in the vast sea of the Internet theres a website that can only be accessed at the stroke of midnight. Known as the Jigoku Tsushin rumor has it that if you post a grudge there the Jigoku Shoujo will appear and drag whoever torments you into the inferno. Very little is known about the girl - all we know for sure is that she lives with her equally enigmatic grandmother that three...
Country: Japan
Genre: Magic Anime, Shoujo Anime
The story will center around Chiari a third-year middle school girl who lives in a world where Jewelpets and humans live side-by-side. Chiari attends Jewel...
Country: United States
Genre: Drama
A rebellious teenager navigates his way through the juvenile court...