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Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Action Drama, Asian Horror Drama, Asian Tokusatsu Drama
Yami o Terasu Mono takes place at some undetermined point in the future in Vol City a metropolis build around a volcano. One day Ryūga Dōgai arrives in the city drawn in by its high concentration of evil spirits known as Horrors the ones plaguing Vol City being Madō Horrors. Ryūga is in fact a Makai Knight and the latest knight to bear the title of Garo the Golden Knight. However Garos...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Tokusatsu Drama
Garo: Makai Retsuden is an upcoming season of the live action Garo franchise and a continuation of the 10th-anniversary celebration. Not much is known about this show but it will star previous characters of the...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Comedy Drama, Asian Tokusatsu Drama
In Akihabara three people a Super Sentai otaku a cosplay otaku and a closet anime otaku are scouted to become Akibarangers. What they dont realize at first is that theyre not officially part of the Super Sentai Franchise and that all their fights are just delusions. Hoping to become official they fight evil beings to prevent Akihabara from being taken over by other parts of the...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Tokusatsu Drama
Garo: Makai Senki is a Japanese tokusatsu television series serving as a sequel to Garo airing on TV Tokyo. Ryosei Konishi Mika Hijii Ray Fujita Yasue Sato Hironobu Kageyama and Yukijirō Hotaru reprise their roles from the original television series. Shouma Yamamoto reprises his role from the Beast of the Midnight Sun special. Mary Matsuyama and Masahiro Kuranuki reprise their roles from...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Fantasy Drama, Asian Tokusatsu Drama
Misaki Kanon a young woman who came to the big city with dreams of becoming a singer. At first everything goes well she falls in love and works towards her dream. But then her boyfriend betrays her and Kanon loses her faith in people and sight of her dream. Once upon a time she sang the song of prayer as a small child in a remote mountain village where the Daimajin rests now she has to regain...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Tokusatsu Drama
After conquering hundreds of planets the Great Star League Gozma sets its sights onto Earth. To defend the world in such a great crisis the Japanese military forms a special branch known as the Earth Defense Force composed of elite members from all areas of the Japanese military. Under the supervision of Commander Ibuki the numerous gathered soldiers of the Earth Defense Force begin a harsh...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Tokusatsu Drama
Academia Island is an elite school that various genius students from across the globe attend. Among them are Yusuke Amamiya Joh Ohara Megumi Misaki who with Takuji Yano and Mari Aikawa sought to create a suit strong enough for space exploration. However three of their fellow classmates and dear friends Kenji Tsukigata Rui Senda and Goh Omura felt their talents are being wasted and leave...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Tokusatsu Drama
In 1966 five children were kidnapped by an alien group known as the Alien Hunters for the Reconstructive Experiment Empire Mess who wanted samples of humans from Earth to experiment on. The children were rescued by Mess arch enemy the Flash alien race which took each one to a different planet of the Flash solar system for training. Each of them was trained separately in a range of...