Country: United Kingdom
Genre: Animation, Adventure, Family
Lavender Castle is a place of mystery and legend fabled throughout the universe a floating city of light a place of peace harmony and all the things that have ever been dreamt of. It...
Country: Japan
Taeko works at a foreign-affiliated financial firm. Takeo finds herself rebuilding a small company that was recently taken over. She soon encounters conflicts with the workers there who are working to develop geothermal power as a future energy source. Takeo at first views her assignment as a demotion but she devotes her in making the small company...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
In the fictional Tokyo suburb of Mahoro Keisuke Tada Eita works as a benriya - a general problem solver for hire. One day in January former classmate Haruhiko Gyoten Ryuhei Matsuda appears unannounced. Back in their schooldays Haruhiko was a quiet person who rarely talked. Now Haruhiko is talkative. Both men are over 30 years old and divorced. Without giving an explanation Haruhiko...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
Unemployed and hopeless Soo-young witnesses a Thai woman named Mai Ratima in danger and helps her out. Having come to Korea through international marriage Mai is physically and...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Action ; Adventure ; Comedy ; Teen
Three high school students - Sung-hwan. Woo-sup and Jin-won are on their way back from a birthday party for Sung-hwans father. Several minutes later a huge lump of cash and a bloody corpse crash on top of their car. With only a split second to decide there is no option left for them... Meanwhile a dedicated young detective named Ji-hyung suspects Sung-hwan Woo-sup and Jin-won of hiding the...