Country: Taiwan
Genre: Thriller
Nowhere Man follows the death row inmate Quan who learned of his son being kidnapped while waiting for the execution in jail. To save his son and protect his family Quan schemes a jailbreak only to find himself in an even more dangerous collision. From time to time Quan falls into the state of half-sleep and he will lead the viewer onto the freeway of redemption. It is a story woven with...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
25-year-old Kiriyama Saori has been through many relationships throughout her life and she still strives to find pure love and her dream man through various marriage-seeking activities. Instead she ends up meeting some two-faced men: a philanderer a mothercon and a cheapskate. But an awful surprise awaits these men: Saori possesses a certain special ability and her character completely changes...
Country: Japan
Genre: Food, Mystery
Saionji Hajime is the perfect butler and he works for a madame who is elegant. The madame is full of curiosity and has a pure personality. Hajime began to work for the madame before her husband died and they share a deep level of trust. One day they face murder case. The madame holds doubts about the murder case. Hajime uses his great reasoning powers in an attempt to solve the...
Country: Thailand
Genre: Drama, Horror, Romance
Nara goes to visit Rain Castle Hotel and Resort which is owned by her boyfriend Rain. Strange things to start to happen as Rain has a secret of his own and perhaps a dark and dangerous...
Country: China
Genre: Friendship, Music, Romance, School, Youth
With a case of mistaken genders does one gain while the other loses? A heartwarming story follows a group of students who course through life with laughter and tears. What they treasure in their hearts is the best remembrance of their youth. Sun Xiao Rou is an 18-years-old student who crushes after her one and only prince charming. Ouyang Yusheng is the popular school genius who finds himself...
Country: China
Genre: Comedy, Romance
A story that follows Lin Xiaos journey to establishing a career in the world of publishing and how she finds love at the same time. Lin Xiao has always been buoyed by her love for literary works and dreams of becoming a fashion editor one day. After graduation she applies for a job at a publishing house but realizes on her first day that she has been lured into the wrong department....
Country: China
Genre: Romance
A story revolving around the complicated entanglements between the three main characters and the heart-wrenching romance that ensues. When Luo Xi steps in to save the talented Xia Mo from a performance-threatening mishap at a major singing contest he reverses a longstanding distrust theyve shared since meeting in the same foster home as teen orphans. Luo Xi falls in love with Xia Mo and prompts...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Friendship, Romance
Ishibashi Taro is 38-years-old single and works for a big bank. Miyoshi Reiya is 37 years old divorced and works as a dentist. Iwakura Kazuhiko is 45-years-old single and works as a lawyer. These three men are close friends and they enjoy their lives as single men but they begin to think about...