Country: Japan
Genre: Sports
In a quiet rural town the spotlight of a local junior high school football team rests on one player: Ashito Aoi. Known for his unpredictable moves and self-centered playing style Ashito is the sole powerhouse pushing his team through an important high school preliminary tournament. However their win streak is short-lived—an opponent causes Ashito to lose his temper and act violently...
Country: Japan
Genre: Sci-Fi
The distant future. After reaching its peak Earths population fell into decline. AI was developed to help preserve the species and manage the ecosystem; a grand experiment in human diversity. Through genetic engineering a diverse array of peoples including beastfolk magical beings and more was created to live in a diverse city separated into walled clusters.Each cluster developed a...
Country: Japan
Genre: Sci-Fi
The distant future. After reaching its peak Earths population fell into decline. AI was developed to help preserve the species and manage the ecosystem; a grand experiment in human diversity. Through genetic engineering a diverse array of peoples including beastfolk magical beings and more was created to live in a diverse city separated into walled clusters.Each cluster developed a...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life
Yuu Izumi is a high school student whose life is filled with misfortune. Ever since he was young he would always return home with injuries. Due to his unlucky disposition his days are full of nothing but unfortunate events—that is until he started dating Micchon Shikimori.One can describe Shikimori as the perfect girlfriend: cute adorable and unbelievably in love with Izumi. However she...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Comedy
Corrupt politicians frenzied nationalists and other warmongering forces constantly jeopardize the thin veneer of peace between neighboring countries Ostania and Westalis. In spite of their plots renowned spy and master of disguise Twilight fulfills dangerous missions one after another in the hope that no child will have to experience the horrors of war.In the bustling Ostanian city of...