Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Romance
Koudo Ikusei Senior High School is a leading prestigious school with state-of-the-art facilities where nearly 100% of students go on to university or find employment. The students there have the freedom to wear any hairstyle and bring any personal effects they desire. Koudo Ikusei is a paradise-like school but the truth is that only the most superior of students receive favorable...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Romance
This is a story that revolves around certain students and one hobby. Amano Keita is our lonely protagonist who has a passion for gaming and is friends with Uehara Tasuku who is secretly a fellow gamer and is someone who believes his life is perfect. We also have Karen Tendou the club president of the video games club and Chiaki Hoshinomori who constantly bickers with Keita. This is a story...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Demons, Dub, Shounen, Supernatural
Ushio thinks that his fathers talk of an ancient ancestor impaling a demon on a temple altar stone with the legendary Beast Spear is nuts but when he finds the monster in his own basement Ushio has to take another look at the family legend! To save his friends and family from the invading spirits Ushio is forced to release Tora from his captivity. But will the creature prove to be worse than...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Demons, Dub, Shounen, Supernatural
Continuation of Ushio to Tora TV...
Country: Japan
Genre: Azumi Asakura, Kaede Hondo, Yuka Iguchi, Hisako Kanemoto
Sisters Yui and Rena live a peaceful life in the kingdom of Enastoria but they become involved in a vortex of destiny when a giant robot attacks...
Country: Japan
Genre: Detective, Investigation, Mystery, Psychological
Kawakubo Ryo is a detective on a special team. When he was a child he lived through a difficult time. He lived in poverty and his mothers negligence led to his younger siblings death. His mother went missing and he has been looking for her. Song Shi-On is a smart guy. He graduated from a top medical school in the United States. He happily spends time with his girlfriend but an experiment on...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Magic, Shoujo
Fine and Rein are sent to the Royal Wonder Academy on the Royal Wonder Planet in order to study to become better princesses. They plan to make many friends but unfortunately the competition and cold nature of the students and teachers make things impossible. The twins also become Universal Princesses when touching the legendary Soleil Bell releasing two angels named Pyupyu and Kyukyu to help...