A squadron of Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers find themselves transported through time to their countrys warring states era when rival samurai clans were battling to become the supreme Shogun. The squad leader Lt. Iba sees this as the perfect opportunity to realize his dream of becoming the ruler of Japan. To achieve this he teams his troops up with those of Kagatori a samurai daimyo...
Country: Japan
Genre: Romance ; Detective
Asagi Serina is a housewife who loves her husband Takefumi to the extent that she would not mind being his shadow. However his response to her excessive devotion is to attempt to avoid her “burdensome” “gross” expression of love. With a wifes naivety she refuses to suspect her husband of infidelity and initially gets frustrated. One day with the help of her good friend Motoko...
Genre: Action, Animation, Fantasy
The story takes place in a world where people continue their war against the unknown—the enemy of humanity. Children who have been evacuated to a cold sleep facility during the invasion by the unknown several decades ago wake up from their slumber and learn that their bodies developed some supernatural forces. In order to protect the country from the unknown emerging from the Tokyo bay...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
Tokage and his assistant help the First Investigation Division of the Metropolitan Police Department with difficult and unresolved cases. He used to be a normal police detective working at the First Investigation Division but one day he lost his partner because of a grave mistake. After this incident he quit his job and got hired by a private detective bureau that helps the police with secret...
Country: Japan
Umiduki Chinami is one of the elite team members of the police force. When an elite is assigned to an investigation team he/she always inconveniences his/her fellow investigators. When Chinami is assigned to the First Divisions 18th Team Shitara Kyosuke is tasked with partnering her in his...
Country: France, Belgium, Tunisia, Morocco
Genre: Drama
A fictional account of the lives of the men responsible for the suicide bombings in Casablanca in...