Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family
Betty Boop is regarded as one of the first and most famous sex symbols on the animated screen; she is a symbol of the Depression era and a reminder of the more carefree days of Jazz Age flappers. Her popularity was drawn largely from adult audiences and the cartoons while seemingly surreal contained many sexual and psychological elements particularly in the Talkartoon Minnie the Moocher...
Country: United States
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Bill and Ted are a couple of high school idiots who use their time-traveling telephone booth to travel through time. Sometimes they would use their device to bring historical figures into the 20th century. Rufus was the time guardian assigned to keep an eye on the boys who when they werent causing trouble in another time period worked part-time at Mr. Keilsons hardware...
Country: United Kingdom
Genre: Animation, Family
Bob the Builder is the animated adventures of Bob and his machines. Working together to overcome various challenges they get the job...
Country: United Kingdom
Genre: Animation, Family
Bob the Builder is the animated adventures of Bob and his machines. Working together to overcome various challenges they get the job...
Country: United Kingdom
Genre: Animation, Family
Bob the Builder is the animated adventures of Bob and his machines. Working together to overcome various challenges they get the job...
Country: Malaysia
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy
The episode started when the main character BoBoiBoy went to Tok Abas BoBoiBoys grandfather home in Pulau Rintis during school holidays. On the same time Adu Du an alien from planet of Atata Tiga came to Earth searching for energy resources. He found out that there was a powerful energy cocoa which was extinct on his planet 30000 years ago. Adu Du wanted to conquer all the cocoa for...
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family
Bugs Bunny is a fictional animated character who starred in the Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series of animated films produced by Leon Schlesinger Productions which became Warner Bros. Cartoons in 1944.[1] Bugs starred in 167 shorts during the Golden Age of American animation and made cameos in three others along with a few appearances in non-animated films. He is an anthropomorphic hare or...