Storyline: A New Jersey family moves to an affluent gated community composed entirely of extraterrestrials...
Country: United States
Genre: Animation
Kion the son of Simba leads his friends known as the Lion Guard to protect the Pride...
Country: Canada, United States
Genre: Family, Comedy, Fantasy
Growing up is hard enough; but for Zack Greenberg its tougher especially when supernatural and paranormal events effect his life. Good thing his friends are around to help him through...
Country: Japan
Six hundred million years ago Pangaea created a robot named Bacchushund who turned on his creators. The King Ranger defeated Bacchushund and banished him from Earth. In the year 1999 Bacchushund returned to Earth as the ruler of the Baranoia Empire with the intention of wiping out all human life and bring about machine rule. Chief Counsellor Miura revived super...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Historical, Military, Super Power
The year is 1931. The city is Shanghai. Ten years before America will enter World War II the hydras teeth planted by the first great global conflict are beginning to germinate. Hatching like spiders they weave the complex web of plots and conspiracies destined to inevitably draw entire nations to the brink of destruction. Caught in the heart of these webs desperately seeking to separate lies...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Music, Sci-Fi
Peace had seemed to return to the world when Hibiki Tsubasa and Chris had saved the planet from the Luna Attack with their song. However 3 months later at a joint concert between Tsubasa Kazanari and foreign superstar Maria Cadenzavna Eve the Symphogear team is faced with her dangerous declaration of war against the world. Maria and her allies Kirika and Shirabe have a fearful power backing...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Music, Sci-Fi
After the frontier incident everyone who knew the circumstances believed the Noise were gone and the pain they caused was at an end. But a new conflict approached unseen. In the Yokohama Harbor Oosan-bashi Pier a new pattern is detected that is similar to the Noise. A combat group wielding mysterious technology stands in the way of Hibiki and the others. When she hears of this enemy of...
Country: Japan
Genre: Mecha, Military, Sci-Fi, Shounen
Zora was an outlaw planet where they had a rule that one could own stolen things if he could run away keeping it for three days.When Motorcycle gang Sand Rat was driving on the planet they were attacked by a walker machine. Then an injured boy Jiron helped them. Lag the leader of Sand Rat was interested in Jiron because he was going to the bazaar to steal a walker machine. That bazaar was...