Country: United States
Genre: Comedy, Horror
When Boss Hoss Heartshe dies he bequeaths his town to his long-hidden and dim-witted son Hurlan who has just been introduced to human society. Thus begins the bizarre and horrifying saga of Heartshe...
Country: United States
Genre: Comedy, Horror
When Boss Hoss Heartshe dies he bequeaths his town to his long-hidden and dim-witted son Hurlan who has just been introduced to human society. Thus begins the bizarre and horrifying saga of Heartshe...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Demons, Drama, Fantasy, Magic, Mystery,
16-year-old high-school gymnast Maron Kusakabe is visited by the angel Finn Fish who gives her a task. Gods power is scattered across the Earth and if He does not gather enough by the turn of the millennium He will die. To block Him The Devil had sent out agents to gather His power which is the beauty in human hearts in the form of chess pieces. With Fins assistance Maron transforms...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Harem, Romantic comedy
The plot revolves around Natsuru Senō a normal high school boy with blue hair. One day he wakes up and found himself turned into a girl. A stuffed tiger Harakiri Tora comes to life and tells him that he has been chosen as one of the Kämpfer a female fighter. The Kämpfer are destined to fight with other Kämpfer. The story starts when he is attacked by an unknown girl who happens to also...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Slice of life, Yuri
The story centers on Kana Nakamichi a middle-school girl who had already lost her parents and just recently lost her only remaining relative her grandmother. As a result she ends up living and working at a newspaper delivery office. Everyone else living at the office are all charming self-assertive bishōjo.The manga follows Kana’s daily life in the fast-paced yet joyous...