Genre: Documentary Biography History
Tells the extraordinary story behind the friendship of two of the most iconic figures of the 20th century: Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X. Few people understand the bond these men shared. The charismatic and outspoken Olympic champion who charmed the nation and the excon-turned intellectual revolutionary who railed against the evils of white oppression by speaking truth to power. The message they...
Genre: Documentary
Follows the story of ingenuity teamwork and determination of the FBI in desperate moments after the 9/11 attacks when they had to evacuate their New York headquarters and transformed a greasy automotive garage into a new command...
Country: United States
Genre: Crime, Drama
Legendary private eye Philip Marlowe takes on new...
Genre: Short War
Maori soldiers fighting in World War I in 1914 receive Christmas gifts from home. When a ceasefire is agreed upon between the warring parties the Germans want to play a game of football. The Maori want to play rugby. In order to keep the peace the officers order the Maori soldiers to play football. In order to save their face and keep their honor the Maori soldiers agree on the condition that...
Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Instead of really living her life since losing her mother at age seven Seattle lawyer Amy Myer sticks to a ridiculously detailed time-line mother drew as a guideline in all walks of life even love in search of marriage with number...