Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Supernatural
Saenome are tasked with sealing spirits that possess objects and pose a threat to society. Known as tsukumogami these spirits are generally non-violent and saenome normally seal them after a simple verbal exchange.Traumatized by a previous deadly encounter with a malevolent spirit Hyouma Kunato refuses to use peaceful methods and gets into physical confrontations with all tsukumogami that...
Country: Japan
Genre: Sports
The happy-go-lucky Michi Sonoda announces to her teammate Sanae Takigawa that she will quit judo for good after her final middle school tournament. This leaves Sanae in disbelief; after all it was Michis passion toward the sport that reeled Sanae into judo in the first place. Michi claims that a well-spent youth should be associated with things such as getting a boyfriend rather than sweaty...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Fantasy
After discovering that his orphanage was on the brink of closing due to financial stress Finn who was living freely on the streets set out for a casino with the aim of making a fortune. However nothing could have prepared Finn for the nightmare that was awaiting him. Once there Finn encountered a car chase and bloody shootout caused by a mans lucky card.Finn will eventually learn what the...
Country: Japan
Arisugawa Academys DJ unit Lyrical Lily is known for bringing smiles to peoples faces through music. Thanks to their efforts the local city hall requests them to perform monthly for a year as part of Operation Beckoning Cat the town revitalization project.Unfortunately given the long and demanding event Lyrical Lily wonders if they can successfully meet the expectations placed on them. To...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Supernatural
When Nian Chi was a young child his elder sister was kidnapped in front of him while he could do nothing but watch a thing that has tormented him for all these years. Now 10 years later hes dead set on going to rescue his sister and sets...