Country: Australia
Genre: Drama
Given a second chance at life Frankie is now a doctor trying to save...
Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Fantasy
Follows ten-year-old Niko who is the last of his kind in a strange fantastical world. He must embark on an epic quest to defeat the darkness and bring the light back to his land. Armed with his magic sword brave Niko journeys to the Cursed Volcano making new friends and powerful foes along the way all while uncovering secrets about his mysterious...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation
After THE REFLECTION some of the people in all parts of the world are discovered with super powers. Some become heroes and others villains. How did the Reflection happen? What was the cause of it? With many unsolved mysteries the world is lead into...
Country: Spain
Genre: Thriller
A man ends up in hospital after a car accident. He does not remember his name but it is soon discovered he is a famous attorney. To make things worse the police start to suspect him of having murdered his missing...
Country: United States
Genre: Reality-TV
A tv show where 5 guys and a panda do incredible trick shots of all kinds. And several guest come out to join them in their dude perfectness. Starting out on YouTube these guys have made it to the tv...
Country: United States
Genre: Comedy
Follows the awkward experiences and racy tribulations of a modern-day African-American...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Tokusatsu
In the past a massive spill occurred at the Amazonz experimental lab. Most of the survivors were destroyed hot-blooded young men enjoyed hunting Amazonz and the experiment seemed to be drawing to an end. Far than ending however it was entering a completely new phase. The number of cases of ordinary people turning into Amazonz without warning was rising. The government formed a new...
Country: United Kingdom
Genre: Comedy
A former Hollywood star enlists the help of a new friend in order to journey from London to France for her ex-lovers funeral with the various mishaps en route making the trip...