Country: United Kingdom
Genre: Comedy, Game-Show
A comedy panel game in which being Quite Interesting is more important than being right. Stephen Fry is joined each week by four comedians to share anecdotes and trivia and maybe answer some questions as...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Romance, School, Seinen, Slice of Life, Anime
Kobeni Yonomori is a high school girl who lives with her mother and older sister Benio. Upon turning sixteen Kobeni is shocked to learn that due to an arrangement by her late grandfather she is engaged to a boy named Hakuya Mitsumine who along with his little sister Mashiro come to live with Kobeni. As Kobeni spends time adjusting to this new family she learns there is more to Hakuya and...
Country: Japan
Genre: Fantasy, Magic, School, Shoujo, Anime
Sally was a tomboy and mischievous witch girl. One day she was attracted by an advertising balloon and went to the department store. There she found girls of the same age Sumire and Yoshiko and she wanted to become friends with them. After she became good friends with them she made up her mind to pretend to be a human and began to live in the town with her follower Kabu. Then she began to...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Ecchi, Harem, Martial Arts, School, Super Power, Anime
Takeru continues his education at Tenbi Academy as part of the newly formed Security Committee. As a team with the other members they battle unscrupulous individuals who use their Maken for evil purposes. In the meantime his libido and the conflicting romantic interests of the girls surrounding him complicate matters...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Shounen, Anime
Ajiyoshi Yoichi is a culinary prodigy who manages the eating house together with his mother. One day Murata Genjiro appears in the eating house and is surprised at the delicious taste and delicate culinary skills of the katsu-don prepared by Youichi. Subsequently Youichi is being invited to the Aji-oh Building in which he is involved in a spaghetti match with the in-house Italian chef Marui....
Country: United States
Genre: Reality-TV
GHOST ASYLUM a fearless crew is on a quest to hunt down chain-rattling ghosts and scary apparitions by any means possible even if that requires luring themselves as the decoy. GHOST...