Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Yui is an average schoolgirl who lives in a future where all computers are supported by a single global network known as COMNET. Yui is a computer-illiterate girl who after a computer-lab accident is approached by IR a raccoon looking corrector computer program which tells her she must save COMNET. She must stop the rogue A.I. Artificial Intelligence computer program known as Grosser and his...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi
At the end of the 21st century the discovery of a new energy source called DG energy short for divine grace energy has revolutionized Earths economy and allowed humanity to colonize space. However when the initial expedition reaches Pluto they are attacked by a mysterious giant life-form known as Nergal.The Earth Alliance Army fights back by creating an AG Unit using ancient robot...
Country: Japan
Genre: Sci-Fi
On November 23 1957 the whole world witnessed the Federal Republic of Zirnitras monumental achievement of sending the first live animal—a dog—to outer space. Since then the space race between the confederacy and its competitor the United Kingdom of Arnack has intensified; the two countries hope to one day send humans to the cosmos above.As a dogs biology is inherently different from a...
Country: Japan
Genre: Boys Love, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural
Kousuke Mikado has been able to see spirits for as long as he can remember. Extremely terrified of them he tries to suppress his ability by wearing glasses. One day while working at a bookstore he catches the attention of Rihito Hiyakawa an eccentric medium who is convinced that they were destined to meet each other.Thanks to Hiyakawas antics Mikado is thrust into the world of the...