Country: Japan
Genre: Suspense, Comedy, Crime
Saki Hoshino is 25-years-old and a member of the Cheat team. The Cheat team is a group of swindlers who target other swindlers that stole from people. The Cheat team was created by Detective Kazuki Anzai and consists of Police Officer Yuto Kamo ex-private detective Shun Negishi genius hacker Mizuki Maruyama and Saki Hoshino.Meanwhile Saki Hoshino has a secret. She is also a member of an...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
Jun a closeted gay teenager who loves Queen starts a relationship after bumping into his classmate Sae and sees her buying yaoi manga. However Jun suffers a lot when he tries to learn to be...
Country: Australia
Genre: Animation, Family
A group of toys who play while their owner Michael is away! With their leader Johnson the Elephant Diesel the Truck Victoria the Dinosaur McDuff the Acordian Alfred the Water Bottle...
Country: Canada, Brazil
Genre: Animation, Family
How can three preschool friends climb a mountain star in a circus fly an airplane or hide inside their own paintings? Why its easy! With a little imagination that is. Your imagination...