Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Ecchi, Kids, School, Shounen, Slice of Life
Crayon Shin-chan follows the wacky antics and adventures of five-year-old Shinnosuke Shin Nohara and his parents neighbors and friends and is set in Kasukabe Saitama Prefecture Japan. Many of the jokes in the series stem from Shin-chans occasionally weird unnatural and inappropriate use of language as well as from his inappropriate behavior. A typical gag involves Shin-chan confounding...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama
Country: Japan
The Smurfs are kind little blue creatures that live somewhere deep in the Forrest. They live in mushrooms and even have their own language. Their biggest enemy is Gargamel the wizard who lives together with his cat Azraël nearby in the Forrest. Gargamal’s only goal in life is to catch and eat The Smurfs. But The Smurfs aren’t gonna let that happen anytime...
Country: Japan
The Smurfs are kind little blue creatures that live somewhere deep in the Forrest. They live in mushrooms and even have their own language. Their biggest enemy is Gargamel the wizard who lives together with his cat Azraël nearby in the Forrest. Gargamal’s only goal in life is to catch and eat The Smurfs. But The Smurfs aren’t gonna let that happen anytime...
Country: Japan
The Smurfs are kind little blue creatures that live somewhere deep in the Forrest. They live in mushrooms and even have their own language. Their biggest enemy is Gargamel the wizard who lives together with his cat Azraël nearby in the Forrest. Gargamal’s only goal in life is to catch and eat The Smurfs. But The Smurfs aren’t gonna let that happen anytime...
Country: Japan
The Smurfs are kind little blue creatures that live somewhere deep in the Forrest. They live in mushrooms and even have their own language. Their biggest enemy is Gargamel the wizard who lives together with his cat Azraël nearby in the Forrest. Gargamal’s only goal in life is to catch and eat The Smurfs. But The Smurfs aren’t gonna let that happen anytime...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Martial Arts, Shounen, Super Power
Dragon Ball Z Abridged is a direct parody with most characters and plot lines remaining relatively unchanged. Origins of concepts and names within the series often alternate between the FUNimation Dub and the original Japanese version. For example the character Tien is sometimes referred to as Tenshinhan which is his name in the original Japanes… more Dragon Ball Z Abridged is a direct...
Country: Japan
Earth’s seven greatest heroes unite against the threat of an alien invasion and decide to remain together to defend Earth against attacking aliens sorcerers super-villains and any other threat that might arise. Among their number are the Martian Manhunter last survivor of Mars; Superman the super-powered last survivor of the planet Krypton; Batman the Dark Knight Detective; Green...