Country: South Korea
Genre: Fantasy ; Horror
The Lee family harbored a secret and it was believed that was how they could survive for generation and prospered no matter what the circumstances. The family was the decendant of the nine tailed fox. Once a female family member reached puberty she would undergo a ritual to determine if she carried the genes of the nine tailed fox. If she were she would be married off and never see her family...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Action
The Homicide Investigation Team H.I.T. led by Cha Soo Kyung was established to investigate the case of a serial killer. The other four members were assigned from different precincts and when they first started they all have their own ulterior motives and none of them was confortable with working as a team or trusted each other. Added to the mix a rookie prosecutor Kim Jae Yoon was sent by the...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama ; Human ; School
The drama series is based on the manga and anime of the same name both created by Fujisawa Tohru. The story is a sequel of lesser knownseries Shounan Junai-gumi Shounan Love Gang where Onizuka Eikichis rogue high school days are depicted. Sorimachi Takashi plays Onizuka Eikichi a graduate of a third-rate University and the leader of a motorcycle gang whose lifelong dream is to become a...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
Asako Rie Miyazawa lives in Kichijōji Tokyo. She works as a popular manga artist. Everyday she is busy meeting deadlines but suddenly her pet Saba dies. Since the death of her pet Asako cannot draw or even eat. Her editor Omori recommends to Asako to try moving to a particular house. After she moves in her life does not get better. One day when Asako walks in Inokashira Park she meets a...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Comedy ; Romance
Koo Seo-Jin Hyun-Bin has two different personalities. One of his personalities is cold like Hyde and the other is sweet like Jekyll. He works as the director of theme park Wonderland. Jang Ha-Na Han Ji-Min works as the master and actress of a circus at Wonderland. Koo Seo-Jin tries to kick the circus out of Wonderland and Jang Ha-Na reorganizes the circus to stay. In the process Jang Ha-Na...