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Genre: Animation
The series is about an extreme form of sport known as Stride. It involves 6 players on a team that runs relay races in towns. The story takes place at Honan Academy where first year high school students Takeru Fujiwara and Nana Sakurai try to recruit members for their Stride...
Genre: Animation,
Haruta and Chika are members of their high school wind instrument club that is on the verge of being shut down. The two are childhood friends and they spend their days practicing hard while also trying to recruit new members. When a certain incident happens within their school they work together to solve...
Country: Peru
Genre: Horror
A group of students decide to study reaction videos and are led toward an old film hidden in the archive room of a cemetery. It appears that everybody who has witnessed the film has met...
Genre: Animation
A humorous and action-packed story about a class of misfits who are trying to kill their new teacher – an alien octopus with bizarre powers and super strength! The teacher has just destroyed the moon and is threatening to destroy the earth – unless his students can destroy him first. What makes things more complicated is that hes the best teacher theyve ever...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Romance
The Kaishinmaru is a hospital ship which goes around to islands without hospitals in the Seto Inland Sea to provide medical services. The doctors and staff live communally on this ship which has facilities like a hospital as it circles theislands. One day a lone doctor is supposed to come to the Kashinmaru. His name is Sezaki Kota. He is a young freelance general physician who hails from...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Adventure, Comedy