Genre: Drama | Fantasy | Mystery | Thriller
A modern-day politician is faced with an incomprehensible in this mystical-fantasy. Senator Rast is a very powerful man. But his is nothing compared to the extraordinary power of the enigmatic stranger who mysteriously comes to visit him. Possessing uncanny magical prowess and miraculous psychic abilities the peculiar but seemingly benevolent visitor quickly gains a spell-binding hold over...
Genre: Documentary
Maradona. Pelé. Best. Northern Irelands legendary star remains one of the most naturally gifted footballers there has ever been. Famously called the best player in the world by Pelé George Best galvanized Manchester Uniteds five-year recovery from the tragedy of the Munich air crash. His skill and exuberance inspired them to win league titles and the European Cup even though he was little...
Genre: Horror | Thriller
John Lucker is a serial rapist/murderer with a necrophilia fetish. Eight years ago he went on a killing spree that took eight victims until he was finally caught and institutionalized. Now hes been put in a private clinic after attempting suicide during a mental hospital transfer. He awakens from his drugged state to kill his two nurses and then heads in for the town. When he hears on the...
Genre: Comedy | Drama | Short
Never doubt your faith at a second chance. Bennett and Marissa are the sole survivors of the final suicidal act of their religious cult. Confused relieved angry and unfulfilled the two followers each question one anothers motives for joining living and surviving under the control of their Leader. Faced with their own doubts Bennett and Marissa must confront their feelings and fears while...
Genre: Documentary
A look at the Miami-Dade County Corrections and Rehabilitation Boot Camp Program which allows young inmates undergo a strict 4 month course in order to learn from their past mistakes and make a better future for...
Genre: Family
In the movie Onneli and Anneli are two very ordinary girls maybe just a little happier than many others as they have a fair chance to live in a house designed by Rosewood two of them Rosewood. One day a new childrens home is opened near Onneli and Annels house and theres a missing boy called Pekki. Pekki ends up living on the beach of Onniel and Annel and tells the girls how disgruntled...