Country: Japan
Genre: Dub, Mystery, OVA, Sci-Fi, Space
In an isolated prison there are only four prisoners and a cat. One day a power outage opens all the locks and all of the prisoners are released. However all of the guards are nowhere to be seen and there are no exits. An extraordinary event occurs in response to an old mans strange...
Country: Japan
Genre: Mystery, OVA, Sci-Fi, Space
In an isolated prison there are only four prisoners and a cat. One day a power outage opens all the locks and all of the prisoners are released. However all of the guards are nowhere to be seen and there are no exits. An extraordinary event occurs in response to an old mans strange...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Movie
The Fierce Canine Army has been given the day off but Norakuro has no home to return to. After he goes to a yakitori fried chicken shop for a drink he goes to the park to take a short nap. Just then soldiers from the Mountain Monkey Army who have stolen some secret documents make their appearances and Norakuro goes after them in hot pursuit. When the Mountain Monkey troops appear to have...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Movie
The Company and Regimental Commanders engage in an idle chit-chat blithely ignorant of the troops forging ahead under the previous Forward March command. Norakuro and his fellow recruits march gamely forward regardless of the obstacles that may lie in their way. However a horse stable looms up...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Military, Movie
Norakuros adventures in the Fierce Dog Brigade continue in this short film from the...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Movie
An elderly man walks along his house and sees a turtle munching on a turnip. He does not disturb the creature but lets it eat in peace. Later that night he has a dream of his late...
Country: Japan
Genre: Dementia, Horror, Movie, Psychological
Death is the gateway to birth. The deceased crosses the line to join the kingdom of the dead. He sees there the dance of the sperm and the egg. He is drawn towards the sky. This is the path to the...
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, OVA, Romance, School, Seinen
Kido Tatsuhiko moved to Tokyo to attend an art school and start his new life. In his new room theres a small hole in the wall. At first he can see nothing through the small hole but one night through the peeping hole he saw a girl named Ikuno Emiru a perverted voyeur who ropes him into her peeping fetish... But each winds up getting more than they bargained for.Bundled with the limited...