Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Comedy Drama, Asian Tokusatsu Drama
Nobuo Akagi finds the MMZ-01 and Inordinate Cannon weapons of the Akibarangers in a store that sells Super Sentai as DX toys! Have the Akibarangers suddenly become a part of the official list of Super Sentai unbeknownst to them? What has happened to the official heroes? He and the other Akibarangers encounter a new villain who is a major fan of Super Sentai and had modeled himself after...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Tokusatsu Drama
Five young warriors from an ancient civilization of Dinosaur-evolved Humans are awakened during the present day after 170 million years of suspended animation when their sworn enemy Bandora the Witch is inadvertently released from her magical container on Planet Nemesis by two astronauts. The five warriors the Zyurangers must summon the power of mechanical-looking deities known as Guardian...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Tokusatsu Drama
The Smart Brain corporation the worlds most powerful corporation is trying to take over the world using Orphnoch the next stage in humanitys evolution to covertly kill off the human population. In pursuit of this they develop three suits of power armor called Rider Gear Delta Faiz and Kaixa to find and protect the Orphnoch King who can fix a defect within Orphnoch DNA which causes...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Action Drama, Asian Horror Drama, Asian Tokusatsu Drama
Yami o Terasu Mono takes place at some undetermined point in the future in Vol City a metropolis build around a volcano. One day Ryūga Dōgai arrives in the city drawn in by its high concentration of evil spirits known as Horrors the ones plaguing Vol City being Madō Horrors. Ryūga is in fact a Makai Knight and the latest knight to bear the title of Garo the Golden Knight. However Garos...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Tokusatsu Drama
Garo: Makai Retsuden is an upcoming season of the live action Garo franchise and a continuation of the 10th-anniversary celebration. Not much is known about this show but it will star previous characters of the...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Comedy Drama, Asian Tokusatsu Drama
In Akihabara three people a Super Sentai otaku a cosplay otaku and a closet anime otaku are scouted to become Akibarangers. What they dont realize at first is that theyre not officially part of the Super Sentai Franchise and that all their fights are just delusions. Hoping to become official they fight evil beings to prevent Akihabara from being taken over by other parts of the...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Tokusatsu Drama
Garo: Makai Senki is a Japanese tokusatsu television series serving as a sequel to Garo airing on TV Tokyo. Ryosei Konishi Mika Hijii Ray Fujita Yasue Sato Hironobu Kageyama and Yukijirō Hotaru reprise their roles from the original television series. Shouma Yamamoto reprises his role from the Beast of the Midnight Sun special. Mary Matsuyama and Masahiro Kuranuki reprise their roles from...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Fantasy Drama, Asian Tokusatsu Drama
Misaki Kanon a young woman who came to the big city with dreams of becoming a singer. At first everything goes well she falls in love and works towards her dream. But then her boyfriend betrays her and Kanon loses her faith in people and sight of her dream. Once upon a time she sang the song of prayer as a small child in a remote mountain village where the Daimajin rests now she has to regain...