Three sisters, Hozuki, Kazuki, and Hazuki, are descendants of Galileo and have completely different personalities and tastes; they never meet eye-to-eye. One day, the girls are suddenly attacked by a mysterious organization. The organization was after the "Galileo Tesoro" which Galileo Galilei was said to have discovered. Still unaware of what was going on, the sisters escape on the airship they built after the sudden attack. But it won't be so easy for these three sisters to help each other out in a pinch when they're constantly at odds with each other. What is the Tesoro, and what is the organization after? And what about the relationship between the sisters? It's a threesome of cute girls, action, and mystery!Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy Anime, Harem Anime, Romance Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Shounen Anime
Tenchi decides to move to Tokyo in order to lead a normal life in the big city. While in Tokyo Tenchi meets a girl named Sakuya. They soon fall in love but as it turns out a dark sinister force has created Sakuya to get at Tenchi and rule the earth. Now Tenchi must balance love friends and life while defending the earth one last...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy Anime, Dub Anime, Harem Anime, Romance Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Shounen Anime
Tenchi decides to move to Tokyo in order to lead a normal life in the big city. While in Tokyo Tenchi meets a girl named Sakuya. They soon fall in love but as it turns out a dark sinister force has created Sakuya to get at Tenchi and rule the earth. Now Tenchi must balance love friends and life while defending the earth one last...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy Anime, Slice Of Life Anime
Tamako knows just about everything there is to know about mochi the traditional Japanese dessert treats. When shes not attending her first year of high school she even invents new flavors and varieties for Tama-ya her familys mochi shop. School and growing up on the other hand are some things that shes still trying to find the right recipe for. But with the help of her best friends Kanna...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy Anime, Slice Of Life Anime
Tamako knows just about everything there is to know about mochi the traditional Japanese dessert treats. When shes not attending her first year of high school she even invents new flavors and varieties for Tama-ya her familys mochi shop. School and growing up on the other hand are some things that shes still trying to find the right recipe for. But with the help of her best friends Kanna...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Comedy Anime, Sci-Fi Anime
Federation investigator Birdy chases the space criminal Geega through space to Earth where he hides in the entertainment industry under a human disguise. Birdy goes undercover herself posing as famous model “Arita Shion” that often uses a ‘space girl’ look. A male student Senkawa stumbles upon a fight between the two one night in an abandoned building only to be severed in half as he...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Comedy Anime, Sci-Fi Anime
Birdy and Tsutomu are still co-existing in the same body as Birdy continues her duties as Federation Investigator and celebrity persona and Tsutomu seeks to balance them with his normal everyday life. When a criminal group connected to the Ryunka incident escape from custody hiding themselves and their alien identities on Earth Birdy and Tsutomu are thrown back into action. It seems however...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Adventure Anime, Fantasy Anime, Kids Anime, Mecha Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Shounen Anime
Goldran follows the adventures of three young boys who are tasked with finding alien robot fighters or Braves that are sleeping in the form of crystals. Their major antagonist is the flamboyant and thoroughly incompetent Walter and the villains that follow him are often similarly...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Adventure Anime, Drama Anime, Dub Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Space Anime
The story begins on planet Destiny which claimed to be where the center of the Universe is where all the terminals of The Galaxy Railways are gathered. The main character Yuuki Manabu 20 years old carrying on his dead Father and Brother`s will joined SDF Space Defense Force to protect the safety of the Galaxy Railways. SDF in order to uphold the reputation of maintaining the best...