Country: United States
Genre: Comedy
Storyline: A comedy centered around a foul-mouthed junior high teacher who after being dumped by her sugar daddy begins to woo a colleague -- a move that pits her against a well-loved...
Country: United States
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Storyline: It is 1942 America has entered World War II and sickly but determined Steve Rogers is frustrated at being rejected yet again for military service. Everything changes when Dr. Erksine recruits him for the secret Project Rebirth. Proving his extraordinary courage wits and conscience Rogers undergoes the experiment and his weak body is suddenly enhanced into the maximum human...
Country: United States
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Storyline: Autobots Bummblebee Rachet Ironhide and Sideswipe led by Optimus Prime are back in action taking on the evil Decepticons who are eager to avenge their recent defeat. The Autobots and Decepticons become involved in a perilous space race between the U.S. and Russia to reach a hidden Cybertronian spacecraft on the moon and learn its secrets and once again Sam Witwicky has to come to...
Country: United States
Genre: Action, Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Storyline: An origin story set in present day San Francisco where mans own experiments with genetic engineering lead to the development of intelligence in apes and the onset of a war for...
Country: United States
Genre: Comedy
Storyline: Growing up together Mitch Ryan Reynolds and Dave Jason Bateman were inseparable best friends but as the years have passed theyve slowly drifted apart. While Dave is an overworked lawyer husband and father of three Mitch has remained a single quasi-employed man-child who has never met a responsibility he liked. To Mitch Dave has it all: beautiful wife Jamie Leslie Mann...
Country: United States
Genre: Horror, Thriller
Storyline: Alex is boarding his plane to France on a school trip when he suddenly gets a premonition that the plane will explode. When Alex and a group of students are thrown off the plane to their horror the plane does in fact explode. Alex must now work out Deaths plan as each of the surviving students falls victim. Whilst preventing the worst from happening Alex must also dodge the FBI...
Country: United States
Genre: Horror, Thriller
Storyline: Clear Rivers has been living life in a mental hospital after the bizarre events that lead to the deaths of her friends. One day she is approached by a girl named Kimberly who believes she had a premonition similar to her friend Alex who died . Clear has to either risk her life helping others or stay inside the hospital the rest of her life waiting for her death to come. What will she...