Genre: Drama | Romance
In a Vermont small-town talented Steven Harper dreams of nothing less than a concert pianist career. His father Glenn a wheelchair Vietnam vet would rather he take over the hardware store he runs with uncle Frank. Steven discovers a famous pianist and composer Hadley Norman is living in town. Through kindness he wins the recluses trust and heart. Finally she agrees to become his teacher...
Genre: Western
Traveling incognito to a once-peaceful valley now torn by a murderous conflict between two ranchers U.S. Marshals Nevada Jack McKenzie and Sandy Hopkins find the dead body of Zane Jenkins killed by gunman Slade Burnette. Don Graham part owner of one ranch with the innocent Bill Corey has started the war with the intent of gaining control of the valley. Coreys daughter Blanche is in love with...
Genre: Comedy | Drama | Musical | Romance | Sport
Biff and Eddie are the best of friends. They are college seniors; roommates at the Fraternity; and star teammates on the USC Football team. Then a flapper named Babs enters the picture. Biff considers Babs his girl and she does like him more than Eddie but Eddie is persistent. Everywhere they go Eddie and Biff are competing for Babs. When Eddie stops trying Babs decides that she wants him and...
Genre: Crime | Drama
In the early morning hours two elderly whores go back to their hovels. They are not tired from working. They are tired of not doing do. One has problems at home with her teenage daughter and her cross dressing husband. The other with her loneliness. But that night they have a date to celebrate the victory in the ring of two wrestlers twin midgets wearing masks. At the hourly hotel in order...
Genre: Comedy | Drama | Romance
17 year old Naama Barash enjoys alcohol drugs and hanging out with like-minded friends. Her activities are an escape from a home where her parents always fight and a rebellious army-enrolled sister who one day disappears. As a new girl shows up at school Barash falls deep in love for the first time and the intensity of the experience at once confuses her and gives her life new...
Genre: Comedy
Honorin Fernandel is the simple and naive stage manager of a traveling theatre troupe whose one ambition is to once play the role of the cavalier in the opera Francis I or the Loves of the Beautiful Ferroniere. A hypnotist puts him to sleep and in his dreams he is transplanted to the days of the Renaissance. There among other items he is made a Duke by Henri VIII fights a duel and...