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Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Shounen, Sports, Anime
Makunouchi Ippo has been bullied his entire life. Constantly running errands and being beaten up by his classmates Ippo has always dreamed of changing himself but never has the passion to act upon it. One day in the midst of yet another bullying Ippo is saved by Takamura Mamoru who happens to be a boxer. Ippo faints from his injuries and is brought to the Kamogawa boxing gym to recover. As...
Country: Japan
Genre: Mecha, Anime
The series is set in 2307 AD.[6] As a result of the depletion of fossil fuels humanity had to search for a new source of power. The power was found in the form of massive arrays of solar power collectors orbiting the Earth and supported by three orbital elevators each one serving one of the three power blocs on the planet namely Union controlling the region surrounding North America;...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Comedy, Mecha, Sci-Fi, Space, Anime
While Gunbusters final mission destroyed the space monsters star system the intergalactic war still continues. Earths only hope lies in the hands of TOPLESS an elite mecha group with children possessing supernatural powers and new Buster Machines. Among their ranks is a rookie named Nono and the ace pilot LalC—whom Nono looks at as a big sister. Together with their teammates Nicholas...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Mecha, Sci-Fi, Anime
A mysterious explosion on Futagami Island begins a new chapter in the Dangaioh mythos! Led by the evil Professor Katou a band of warriors calling themselves the Tartarus Knights have begun their campaign to lay waste to the world by way of a small research station on Futagami Island. Katous victory seems almost certain until he encounters an advanced fortress guarding the island. From it a...
Country: Japan
Genre: Shounen, Sports, Anime
The story follows a boy who was in a soccer team but it was disbanded due to not enough players. However after the boy meets a female professional soccer player he aims to bring his soccer team...
Country: Japan
Genre: Sports (volleyball), Comedy, Anime
Junior high school student Shōyō Hinata gains a sudden love of volleyball after seeing a national championship match on TV. Although short in height he becomes determined to follow in the footsteps of the championships star player nicknamed the Little Giant after seeing his plays. He creates a volleyball club and begins practicing by himself. Eventually 3 other members join the team by...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Supernatural, Anime
Nanafa Kyan lives in Okinawa with her grandmother who runs the Kame Soba soba shop her beautiful older sister Nao who is in high school and her younger sister Kokona who is in elementary school and has a strong ability to sense the supernatural.One day Nanafa witnesses a seal fall off of a Chinese banyan tree and three spirits who live in that tree are unleashed. These spirits include...