Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Supernatural, Anime
The series revolves around the Hibara sisters encounters with Japanese demons and spirits. The older sister Shizuru has the ability to see these apparitions while the younger sister Mizuki has a tendency to become possessed by them. They live in the countryside because their parents were unable to deal with their supernatural abilities; their grandfather is an expert in such...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedia, Ecchi, Anime
Momoko is a high school student trying to live up to her older sister Sakura. Sakura works in an office along with many other co-workers. The two sisters and their friends experience the everyday hardships and situations of being a...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy , Fantasy , Supernatural, Anime
Izayoi Sakamaki Asuka Kudou and You Kasukabe have tremendous psychic powers and are bored with the regular world. An envelope arrives for each person and when each opens their envelope they are stunned to see the scenery around them change to a world they had never encountered before. Theyve been summoned by the Black Rabbit to help the community No Name to overthrow the Devil...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action , Comedy, Anime
A flash anime featuring Airuu the helper cats in the original Monster Hunter...
Country: Japan
Genre: Fantasy,Harem, Comedy, Anime
For years the Japanese government has kept a secret: mythical creatures such as centaurs harpies and lamias are real.[8] Three years before the start of the story the government revealed the existence of these creatures and passed a legal bill the Interspecies Cultural Exchange Act. Since then these creatures known as liminals have become a part of human society living with...
Country: Japan
Genre: Science fiction, Drama, Anime
Gorou Saruwatari and Lostman are mountain climbers who have ascended some of the highest mountains around the world. At the peak of Mount Everest they see the ISA Space Station in the sky above and become determined to go into space. At the same time ISA begins a program to research and obtain a new energy source which has been discovered on the moon. Gorou and Lostman attempt to join the...
Country: Japan
Genre: Business, Sports, Baseball, Anime
The story follows Minami Kawashima who as a favor to her childhood friend Yuki Miyata takes over as manager for the Hodokubo High School Baseball team when Yuki is hospitalized with an illness. With no previous experience managing a team Minami ends up picking up a copy of Peter Druckers business management book Management: Tasks Responsibilities Practices and starts to manage the...