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Country: Japan
Genre: Drama Anime, Dub Anime, School Anime, Super Power Anime
While on the surface Yuu Otosaka appears to be just another charming and intelligent teenager he has a secret—he has the ability to slip into peoples minds and fully control their body for five seconds at a time. Yuu has been using this skill for years to gain the highest grades which allowed him to enter a prestigious high school. When the enigmatic Nao Tomori catches Yuu using his...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Dub Anime, Fantasy Anime, Supernatural Anime
In 3015 the year of Huanli two countries Donatia and Kouran are embroiled in a war of supremacy that is tearing the world around them apart. The small island Nil Kamui has suffered exceptionally from the war with lands conquered in the name of each kingdom and stolen away from the people. To make matters worse their deity the Red Dragon has gone mad rampaging about Nil Kamui burning...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Adventure Anime, Dub Anime, Sci-Fi Anime
In the distant future where cyborgs and humans struggle to survive after the war which destroyed the world a being in white suit awakens. His name is Casshern and he remembers nothing of his own past. In barren and dark dystopian world where every being alive seems to hate his existence and the evil from his past wants him dead Casshern haunted by the flashes of his past memories has to...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Comedy Anime, Dub Anime, Ecchi Anime, Fantasy Anime, Harem Anime, Magic Anime, Romance Anime, Shounen Anim
Some people suddenly find religion but for 16-year-old Kusanagi GoDo its that REALLY old time religion thats found him! As the result of defeating the God of War in mortal combat GoDos stuck with the unwanted position of Campione! or God Slayer whose duty is to fight Herectical Gods whenever they try to muscle in on the local turf. Not only is this likely to make GoDo roadkill on the...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Adventure Anime, Dub Anime, Historical Anime, Samurai Anime, Supernatural Anime
Manji is an amoral swordsman who has been cursed with eternal life. He has grown tired of living with all the death he has created. He has no skills other then those of killing thus he forms a plan to regain his mortality: he shall kill one hundred evil men for each good one he has killed. The old witch who afflicted Manji with immortality agrees to Manjis proposition and Manji is set on his...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Dub Anime, Mystery Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Seinen Anime
A near future where humans have been defeated by the viral parasites named Gastrea. They have been exiled into a small territory and live in despair side-by-side in terror. In this world trapped in darkness— Rentaro a boy living near Tokyo and member of the Civil Security—an organization specializing in fighting against the Gastrea—is used to accomplishing dangerous...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Dub Anime, Seinen Anime
Okajima Rokuro is a Japanese businessman in a town full of Japanese businessmen. His normal day consists of social drinking with clients and being kicked around by his bosses. He finally gets a break though as hes sent by his company to the tropical seas of Eastern China to deliver a disc. But his boat gets hijacked by a band of mercenaries hired to retrieve the disc. Rock as he is newly...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Adventure Anime, Comedy Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Shounen Anime, Sports Anime, Dub Anime
The Bladebreakers have to join forces once again because a mysterious group under the lead of Oozuma has defeated them but the real enemy is not Oozuma. The real threath is formed by a group of people who use cyber-BitBeasts to capture the original ones from the...