Country: United States
Genre: Documentary, Animation, Sci-Fi
The CGI or computer animated drama/documentary takes place on Darwin IV a planet 6.5 light years from earth with 2 suns and 60% of Earths gravity. Having identified Darwin as a world that could support life Earth sends a pilot mission consisting of the Mothership Von Braun and three probes: Balboa Da Vinci and Newton. This robotic fleet is responsible for finding and assessing any life...
Country: United States
Genre: Documentary, Music
Extravaganza with lots of music legends from the...
Country: United States
Genre: Biography, Drama, Sport
When Jake LaMotta steps into a boxing ring and obliterates his opponent hes a prizefighter. But when he treats his family and friends the same way hes a ticking time bomb ready to go off at any moment. Though LaMotta wants his familys love something always seems to come between them. Perhaps its his violent bouts of paranoia and jealousy. This kind of rage helped make him a champ but in...
Country: United States
Genre: Horror, Thriller
In the mid-70s a cult group called Unity Field commits mass suicide but a young girl survives. After being in a coma for thirteen years she wakes up in a psyche ward not remembering the incident. The psychiatrist tries to help her remember but she begins seeing the leader of the cult talking to her from the grave and the other members of her therapy group begin to commit suicide around her....
Country: China, United States
Genre: Animation, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Over time the people residing on Swampland began to take on new forms their modified DNA altering their physiology to better suit their new environment. Generations passed and their original forms were forgotten; these humans had evolved into a new race: the Frogmen.If history and genetics for that matter shows us anything it is that there is always variety.The genetic success of the...
Country: United States
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
The Earth was ravaged by the Formics an alien race seemingly determined to destroy humanity. Seventy years later the people of Earth remain banded together to prevent their own annihilation from this technologically superior alien species. Ender Wiggin a quiet but brilliant boy may become the savior of the human race. He is separated from his beloved sister and his terrifying brother and...
Country: United States
Genre: Action, Crime, Music, Romance, Thriller
Super fly P. I. gets bad guys the cops cant...