Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Kids, Romance, Shounen
An evil monkey Specter has escaped a circus using a mind-controlling device which allows him to become smarter and have access to controlling the monkeys. Kakeru is called over by a professor in order to capture all the monkeys including the ones whos controlling them:...
Genre: Action, Demons, Ecchi, Horror, Mecha, Sci-Fi, Super Power
A series of natural disasters has reduced the world to rubble with the survivors doing whatever they must to survive in a world gone mad. But one young boy Kakugo gifted with amazing martial arts and a superpowerful suit of armor by his late father has been charged with making the world or at least his school a safer place. But his sister has a matching set of skills and equipment and...
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Music, Romance, Sci-Fi, Shounen, Super Power, Supernatural
Five supernatural factions have been fighting against each other for who knows how many centuries with the beginning of Aquarian Age always in mind. Kyouta soon begins to see visions of mystical girls fighting except they do exist. Soon he and his girlfriend Yoriko become involved and the battle for Earth and Aquarian Age lies in their...
Genre: Drama, Psychological, Sci-Fi
Several people are spending their evening in a cafe. Two gossiping girls two debating men a bookworm and a boy who just broke up with his girlfriend. The cafes waitress starts a chat with him persuading him to take a look at certain easel while other customers begin to notice unusual...
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Magic, Sci-Fi
Based on the RPG game of the same name. Aurica Nestmile is a young Reyvateil or singing maiden who feels her song magic is not of much use to anyone. From high up on the tower Ar Tonelico comes Lyner Barsett whose airship is totaled upon impact with the ground. These two meet up and in the search for someone who can repair the ship end up helping both each other and...
Country: Italy, France, United Kingdom
Genre: History, Romance
The life story of legendary fashion designer Coco...