Country: Taiwan
Genre: Drama
It follows the Glorious Taxi Company and its drivers as they navigate the streets of Chiayi. The main theme of the series is the idea that “as long as the car keeps running even if it gets lost there will be new scenery” symbolizing the journey of life with its ups and downs. Each episode explores different aspects of the city’s culture events and the spirit of its...
Country: Taiwan
Genre: Historical, Romance, Drama, War
The drama tells the story of air force pilots and their families from 1945 to 1971. As the husbands embarked on patriotic missions to fight against the enemies their families must confront the horror of wars mass emigration to distant lands and the death of loved ones. Their shared experience brought the military families together to support one...
Country: N/A
Genre: Music, Sport
Exploring rhythmic connections between music and sports through an original score inspired by athletes revealing universal rhythm in music sports and...
Country: Japan, United States
Genre: Documentary, Biography
The Birth of Saké is a documentary that reveals the history of passionate sake makers and what it takes to create a traditional sake at the Yoshida Brewery a family distillery with more then 140 years of history in northern...
Country: New Zealand
Genre: Comedy
Young lesbian couple Nat and Steph are left dumbfounded when a disappointing trip to the IVF clinic and a botched home insemination job actually leaves both women...
Genre: Documentary
Did Giants truly exist? Legends say they fell from heaven possessing wisdom and power roamed the Earth in ancient times and were Kings among mortals. They had special knowledge were renown leaders of God’s people all commanding and at times terrifying. They lived thousands of years and had knowledge of the stars. They built grand stone monuments on every continent …Read...
Country: United States
Genre: Documentary
New discovery of highly advanced civilizations that defy the historical time line presents a far different human origin story than what we’ve been...