Genre: Animation
In the year 2545 an experiment gone wrong puts test pilot David Jance through the center of the galaxy and into another universe which ends up in the middle of life and death struggle against the armies of GRIP led by Dark...
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Historical, Sci-Fi, Supernatural
Prince Alexander son of King Philip and heir to the Macedonian empire must fend off political saboteurs assassins and the jealousy of his own father to ascend to the position of king. Once there he begins his quest to conquer all nations and become known as the Great King though an ancient prophecy foretells that he will be the destroyer of the world and forever remembered as the Devil...
Genre: Horror, School, Sci-Fi
Yuri Ootani a girl who has been afraid of aliens has been chosen to be on the alien party with the class president Kumi Kawamura whose only intention to join the alien party is to get out of presidential duties as well as Kasumi Tomine who is perfect at everything she does including fighting all the aliens that come in their way. But can they defeat a massive alien who has already abducted...