The anime adaptation revolves around a young boy named Faiya Orega who loves Oreca competitions. One day, he is granted the power to summon real Oreca monsters due to the mysterious powers of the treasure chest Pandora. To protect the peace of the Oreca world, Faiya must fight the demon king who threatens the land.
Country: Japan
Genre: Military science fiction, Mecha, Anime
Set during October and November UC 0083 the series focuses on the crew of the Earth Federation Space Force assault carrierAlbion as they try to recover a nuclear-armed Gundam mobile suit stolen by a Zeon group at a base in Australia. Little do they know that the theft is part of a greater plan to destabilize the Earth Federation by dropping a colony on North America to damage the Earths food...
Country: United States, Argentina
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy
Set during the days of the Roman Empire. A simple village is raided by Roman troops and most of the people are whisked off to be slaves or killed. Three women survive and set off to...
Country: United Kingdom
Genre: Comedy, Drama
The village of Kilcoulins Leap was once a thriving spa town and was home to a famous Holy Well but now offers little by way of employment for its people and its decline seems...
Country: United States
Genre: Drama
Just days before leaving for Nashville Rhett Ryan discovers that the desire to follow his dream conflicts with his desire to be with the woman he loves. While Samantha does love the...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Demons, Fantasy, Shounen, Supernatural, Anime
Humans and demons are two sides of the same coin as are Assiah and Gehenna their respective worlds. The only way to travel between the realms is by the means of possession like in ghost stories. However Satan the ruler of Gehenna cannot find a suitable host to possess and therefore remains imprisoned in his world. In a desperate attempt to conquer Assiah he sends his son instead...
Country: United States, Spain
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Thriller
A former pilot rebels against his creator teaming up with the scientist responsible for android technology her pet robot Spot a rough-and-tumble riverboat guide and a martial arts...