The anime adaptation revolves around a young boy named Faiya Orega who loves Oreca competitions. One day, he is granted the power to summon real Oreca monsters due to the mysterious powers of the treasure chest Pandora. To protect the peace of the Oreca world, Faiya must fight the demon king who threatens the land.
Country: Japan
Genre: Mecha, Military, Sci-Fi, Shounen, Space
The Story takes place in an alternate reality based in the year 1996 where humanity is advanced enough to develop long-range space travel as well as bases on both the Moon and Mars. However the Cold War tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union have not ended; rather theyve escalated as both sides build military facilities in space and the shadow of nuclear conflict looms over...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Drama, School, Slice of Life
Mato Kuroi just got into junior high school and on the first day someone catches her eye; her classmate Yomi Takanashi. The two meet.The innocent and naive Mato. The mature Yomi. Seemingly opposites but the time they spend together only strengthens a growing friendship. But as they go into their second year at the school they get placed in sepa… more Mato Kuroi just got into junior high...
Country: Japan
Genre: Anime
Black Jack is an “unregistered” doctor with a clouded mysterious past. He works with his little assistant Pinoko who has a massive crush on the doctor dealing with medical cases not very well known which can be strange dangerous or not known at all. But he is a genius and can save almost any of his patients’ life as long as they have the m… more Black Jack is an...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Kids, Shounen
Raised by cats until he was five Yamato Delgato’s only dream was to play B’Daman-the official sport of the B’DaWorld. However his dream comes true when he’s chosen to wield the most powerful B’Daman ever; the legendary Cobalt Blade. Only he has skills to harness its power. This is his journey into the world of B’Daman as he learns valuable lesson… more Raised by cats until he was...
Country: Japan
Genre: Sports, Romance, School, Shounen
After having decided to play tennis at the professional level Eiichirou Maruo now needs to convince his parents to support his decision. To do so he makes a wager: if he cannot win the All-Japan Junior Tennis Tournament he will give up on his dream. However he will need to improve his skills quickly if he wants to qualify for the tournament and have any chance of defeating the best players in...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Romance, School, Super Power
Spin-off of Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu that has been serialized on Famitsu Comic Clear website since 2010. These specials are included in the Baka to Test Ni! BD/DVD...
Country: Japan
Genre: Fantasy, Historical
The story takes place in Kyoto in the late 19th century. Manjiro has two faces. During the day he works as a helper for people in Kyoto but he also acts in secret to get back people’s properties from the men in power. As the get-backer “Roman” Manjiro is getting involved in a nationwide...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Military, Romance, Sci-Fi, Space
Three years after their adventure Lafiel becomes captain on the brand new assault ship Basroil and Jinto finishes his training to become a supply officer and joins Lafiels crew. They set out to join a large fleet with the mission of defending the strategically important Laptic Gate from a force 15 times larger than their own. And to bring even...